May 6, 2018 Monday
May 7, 2018 Tuesday
May 8, 2018 Wednesday
May 9, 2018 Thursday
May 10th 2018 Friday
May 11, 2018
20.00 Dinner
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction/welcome
09:15 Session 1 – Tumorigenesis
Chairs: Mads Daugaard; Peter Kreuzaler
Kai Cao, University of Glasgow
Apoptosis as an oncogenic driver – mechanism and impact on cancer
Thomas Kaufmann, University of Bern
Role of BOK in Cancer
Yuchen Guo, University of Montpellier
The role of cyclin A2 in colon homeostasis and colorectal cancer (CRC)
Michael Hahne, University of Montpellier
Primary cilia modulate susceptibility to colon carcinogenesis
Ulrike Hoeckendorf, Technical University of Münich
Evasion of LT–driven inflammatory cell death promotes myeloid leukemogenesis
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session 2 – Cancer invasion
Chairs: Mahvash Tavassoli; Brent Derry
Antonella De Cola, D’Annunzio University
MiR-205-5p promotes invasion and metastasis in breast cancer stem cells
Lazaros, Vasilikos, University of Zurich
Loss of cIAP1 in the tumor microenvironment disfavors cancer metastasis
Simone Di Franco, University of Palermo
Paracrine action of visceral adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells promote the switch from epithelial (CMS2) to mesenchymal (CMS4) phenotype in colorectal cancer stem cells.
Peter Kreuzaler, Francis Crick Institute
Obligatory Tumour Heterogeneity driven by Myc Overexpression: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Strategies
Seamus Martin, Trinity College
Stress-induced inflammatory functions of ‘death receptors’
12:30 Lunch
15:00 Session 3 – Autophagy, ferroptosis
Chairs: Markus Conrad; Anne Hamacher-Brady
Ian Gentle, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins Regulate Autophagosome-Lysosome fusion
Kayleigh Frame, MRC Toxicology Unit
Dissecting the Link between Bioenergetic Status and Autophagy as a Mechanism of Tumour Cell Resistance to BH3 Mimetics
Samya Van Coillie, VIB Center for Inflammation Research
Novel third-generation ferrostatins protect against acute iron poisoning-induced organ injury
Lukas Peintner, University of Freiburg
The influence of apoptosis on the development of polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
Alessandro Terrinoni, University of Rome
The role of TGase3 in ultraviolet photodamage
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Session 4 – Gamechanging Science I
Chairs: Uris Ros; Beat Bornhauser
Joyce Buikhuisen, Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine
CRISPR-based kinome knock-out screen identifies PAK2 as an essential kinase in poor prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer.
Janneke Linnekamp, Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine
Consensus Molecular Subtypes of colorectal cancer are recapitulated in in vitro and in vivo models.
Prashanthi Ramesh, LEXOR
A drug screen to identify optimal combination strategies to overcome BCL-xL specific stem cell resistance in colorectal cancer
Ulrich Maurer, University of Freiburg
CDK9-mediated phosphorylation controls the interaction of TIP60 with the transcriptional machinery
Laura Mainz, University of Würzburg
Arginine depletion induced senescence-like growth arrest facilitates senolytic therapy in pancreatic cancer cells
19.30 Dinner
21:00 Poster session 1 – No 1-49
09:00 Session 5 – TNF signaling and inflammation
Chairs: Markus Rehm Morrison; Diana Panayotova-Dimitrova
Yves Dondelinger, VIB Center for Inflammation Research
Phosphorylation of RIPK1 Ser25 controls TNF-induced cell death and inflammation
Gianmaria Liccardi, Institute of Cancer Research
RIPK1 prevents TRADD-driven, but TNFR1 independent, apoptosis during development
Joanna Fox, MRC Toxicology Unit
Molecular Architecture and Mechanism of Death-Inducing Signalling Complex (DISC) Assembly
Rune Busk Damgaard, University of Cambridge
Interplay between TNF-secreting hyper-inflammatory cells and TNF-hypo-responsive cells prone to cell death in OTULIN-Related Autoinflammatory Syndrome (ORAS)
Carmen Palacios, Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Oncogenic p95HER2/611CTF primes human breast epithelial cells for metabolic stress-induced down-regulation of FLIP and activation of TRAIL-R/Caspase-8-dependent apoptosis
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Session 6 – Ubiquitin in cellular function
Chairs: Annika Meinander; Sheila Bohler
Anne Hamacher-Brady, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Ubiquitin-Controlled Endolysosomal Interactions with Mitochondria Regulate Bax-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeabilization
Geert van Loo, VIB Center for Inflammation Research
The ubiquitin binding function of A20 critically controls its anti-inflammatory and protective activities
Anna Aalto, Åbo Akademi University
Lubel-mediated M1-linked ubiquitination as a regulator of hypoxia responses
Monica Yabal, Technical University of Munich
XIAP and inflammatory cell death in innate immunity.
Theresa Louise Boye, Danish Cancer Society Research Center
Annexin A4 and A6 induce membrane curvature and constriction during cell membrane repair
12:30 Lunch
15:00 Session 7 – Cell death proteins in hematopoietic function
Chairs: Andreas Villunger; Gianmaria Liccardi
Mattia Zucca, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
CYLD regulates the function of human macrophages
Lisanne Spilgies, University of Zurich
Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) regulate immune response to Influenza A infection
Ruoshi Peng, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
RIPK3-mediated inflammatory signalling in innate immune defence
Sheila Bohler, University of Freiburg
Deciphering the role of MCL-1 for maintenance of the human hematopoietic system
Christian Molnár, University of Freiburg
PUMA-mediated apoptosis of hematopoietic stem cells is a major driver of bone marrow failure in dyskeratosis congenita
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Session 8 – Cell death and inflammation
Chairs: Marion MacFarlane; Rune Busk Damgaard
Diana Panayotova-Dimitrova, University Hospital RWTH Aachen
cFLIP isoforms regulate apoptosis/necroptosis decision in keratinocytes in vivo
Holly Anderton, Walter + Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Chris Wang, University of British Columbia
Oncofetal chondroitin sulfate modifications in NF-kB pathway activation
Wei-Lynn Wong, University of Zurich
XIAP inhibits excessive TNFR2-induced inflammation through RIPK1/TAK1
Yaron Fuchs, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Caspase-3 Regulates YAP-dependent Cell Proliferation and Organ Size
19.30 Dinner
21:00 Poster session 2 – NR 50-98
09:00 Session 9 – Mitochondria – from powerhouse to slaughterhouse
Chairs: Cristina Muñoz-Pinedo; Rachel Uren
Ana J. Garcia-Saez, University of Tübingen
Mechanistic differences in Bax and Bak oligomerization at the single molecule level
Jerry Edward Chipuk, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
MDM2 integrates cellular respiration and apoptotic signaling through NDUFS1 and the mitochondrial network.
Inge Verbrugge, Netherlands Cancer Institute
p32: From regulator of mitochondrial respiration to regulator of cell death?
Katiuscia Bianchi, Barts Cancer Institute
The innate immune kinase IKKε couples inflammation to aerobic glycolysis and serine metabolism.
Alba Roca Portoles, University of Glasgow
Mitochondrial stress signals inflammatory effects
Laura Hulea, McGill University
EIF4F Links Translation to Energy Stress Response in Cancer
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session 10 – Targeting bcl-2/mitochondria and cancer
Chairs: Stephen Tait; Ana Garcia-Sáez
Fabio Brocco, University of Amsterdam
BH3 mimetics as profiling tools: dissecting the role of individual Bcl-2 members in Venetoclax-resistant Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Joan Montero, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Deciphering rational combination of targeted agents and BH3 mimetics using dynamic BH3 profiling
Marco Haselager, University of Amsterdam
Cross-talk between cytokine and NF-ĸB signaling in the CLL microenvironment can affect sensitivity for Venetoclax
Anna Guinot, University Children’s Hospital Zürich
Non-apoptotic cell death to eradicate resistant leukaemia
Karbon Gerlinde, Medical University of Innsbruck
Understanding the role of the BCL-2 protein family in the maintenance of genomic stability.
12:30 Lunch
14:00 off – social event
20.30 Dinner including round table discussions
09:00 Session 11 – Necroptosis, death receptors and inflammation
Chairs: Mads Gyrd-Hansen; Anja Krippner-Heidenreich
Annette Jacobsen, Walter + Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Compound X is a novel inhibitor of necroptosis in human cell lines.
Emma Petrie, Walter + Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Formation of active human MLKL oligomers is tightly controlled by RIPK3.
Uris Ros, University of Tubingen
Structural insights into the auto-regulation of the necroptosis executor MLKL
Gabriela Brumatti, Walter + Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
RIPping leukaemias apart: Exploiting necroptosis to treat Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
Maximilien Bencze, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
Necroptosis participates in skeletal muscle degeneration in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Graeme Sullivan, Trinity College
ER Stress-induced TRAIL receptor upregulation promotes inflammation
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session 12 – Gamechanging Science 2
Chairs: Gabriella Brumatti; Thomas Kaufmann
Mary Speir, Harvard Medical School
Negative regulation of apoptotic and necroptotic cell death by SHP1
Lisa Schlicher, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Small-molecule inhibitors reveal an indispensable scaffolding role of RIPK2 in NOD2 signalling
Ben Croker, Harvard Medical School
PAD4 negatively regulates neutrophil necroptosis
Paula Kroon, The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Hype, hope, or something in between? Achieving abscopal effects by radio-immunotherapy approaches
Nicole Rufo KU Leuven
Systems Biology of Immunogenic Cell Death (ICD) in Melanoma
Irmina Garcia-Carpio, Medical University of Innsbruck
Dissecting the molecular basis of sterile inflammation upon centrosome aberrations
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Session 13 – Gut
Chairs: Geert van Loo; Monica Yabal
Adam Wahida, Technical University of Munich
Molecular Characterization of the TNF-RIPK3-axis in Paneth cell Dysfunction and Dysbiosis as drivers of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in XIAP-Deficiency
Marc Healy, University Hospital Zurich
MCL-1 suppresses intestinal carcinogenesis by ensuring mucosal and stem cell homeostasis independent of microbiota-driven inflammation
Christa Kietz, Åbo Akademi University
drICE restrains DIAP2-mediated inflammatory signalling and intestinal inflammation
Eugenia Delgado, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
LRH-1-dependent regulation of intestinal epithelial cell death
Eric Chapman, University of Toronto
A conserved CCM complex promotes apoptosis non-autonomously by regulating zinc homeostasis in C. elegans
16:00 Football tournament
20.30 Gala Dinner
Wrap up and departure
The European Workshop on Cell Death is approaching its Eleventh Edition. This time the EWCD will be held in Fiuggi (Italy) at the Ambasciatori Hotel, from the 6th to the 11th of May 2018. The upcoming workshop will focus on basic as well as translational research into cell death, inflammation and cancer. In the past, work presented these workshops has aided in targeting cell death pathways for disease such as cancer, and we are confident that the EWCD meetings will continue to be an excellent platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and cutting-edge science.
The primary goal of this workshop continues to be promoting early career scientists by providing an environment that allows for unpublished data to be shared without the fear of being “scooped”. Many productive collaborations have directly arisen from this workshop and we are determined to continue to foster a collaborative environment, thereby driving science forward, in the upcoming workshops. Approximately 150 participants will be selected to attend the meeting based solely on the quality of their submitted abstract and the vast majority of participants will present their data through oral presentation. The EWCD is highly international in nature, drawing in participants from all corners of the globe. Moreover, the isolated location of the meeting promotes further interactions beyond the lecture hall during mealtimes and in the evening. A rather unique aspect of the EWCD is that even leading researchers are selected to attend based on their abstract and must pay their own attendance and registration costs. Nevertheless, attesting to the cutting-edge science presented, the meeting continues to attract many leaders in the fields of cell death, inflammation, infection and cancer.
The organization of this meeting is done wholly on a voluntary basis and
all costs including accommodation in a double room and meals are
included in the registration fee of 500€ (650€ for a single room).
The 11th EWCD meeting is organised by Stephen Tait (The Beatson Institute, UK), Lynn Wong (University of Zurich, Switzerland), Mads Gyrd-Hansen (University of Oxford, UK), Michael Hahne (CNRS Montpellier, France)